...Studio On Fire...

When we saw this little gem on black eiffel via oh happy day, we just had to know all the beautiful details about it. Turns out the bride & groom co-designed these invitations, can you believe it?!

The long folding letterpress card perforates apart for the RSVP return {our favorite part of the invitation suite}. The fabric that you see {below} is the actual invitation, which was gocco'd onto a piece of fabric. The fabric was then stitched onto the letterpress card by the bride & her Mom.

The end result is so adorable that we almost want to learn how to sew. Almost.
letterpress card printed by: studio on fire visit the blog here


Christine said...

Such a great idea with the sewing and the perforation :-)

Jennifer said...

hehe imagining you sewing makes me giggle! But its such a cute suite!

The Southbay Newlyweds said...

Hey, i shot you an email... id like to have you do our placecards! Look forward to hearing from you!