On January 1, 2009, sharpies in hand, I launched
Penned & Pretty {a modern calligraphy shop}. Ever since that day, daily life has been quite different around here and I must say that I have loved every minute of it. E-mailing brides {clients} at all hours of the night, making friends with the post office employees and camping out our home office have been activities that I have enjoyed more than I ever could have dreamed.
More so it's being an entrepreneur & a small business owner, getting to know those in the wedding industry, blogging beautiful invitations and announcements, receiving thoughtful thankful notes from clients and seeing my work go out the door and referrals come in that I have really enjoyed. Those are the little things that keep me going and keep me writing on hundreds of envelopes.
Sadly, a couple months ago I forgot to wish my little shop a happy first birthday/anniversary/blogiversary. Better late than never, I suppose. Happy anniversary little shop. I hope that you have many years of life ahead of you to grow, plow through many more pens, expand and learn. And to my clients...past, present and future....thank you for believing in me and allowing my work to be a little detail in your special day. If I could give one of these cupcakes to each one of you, I would. xo, jl.
All {scrumptious} pictures in this post courtesy of Trish {
tealily photography} and were taken on the sweet wedding day of
jesse & paul & used with expressed permission.
congrats Jess!!
Congrats! I can not belive it'a already a year!
I want to eat those cupcakes in that picture.
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